basilisk di Harry Potter
Basilisk yang akan kita bahas adalah Ular yang lahir dari telur dan diletakan oleh ayam dan ditetaskan oleh kodok.Basilisk diidentifikasikan sebagai Ular berkaki ayam mempunyai sayap terkadang berwajah manusia.Basilisk juga terkenal dengan Nafasnya yang beracun dan tatapan matanya yang dapat membunuh orang.Merasakan kehadiran basilisk dan tanpa sengaja melihatnya pun akan mengakibatkan menjadi beku seperti patung.
Banyak pendapat mengatakan, bahwa basilisk adalah simbol dari Antikrisus. Dan bagi protestan sebagai simbol kepausan.
basilisk pada gambaran pada umumnya.Memiliki mahkota ayam.Kaki ayam.dan sayap
Pada jaman Basilisk sedang Tren sekitar tahun 1180-an, banyak yang ingin membunuh basilisk.Bukan hanya karena basilisk sangat berbahaya. Tapi karena banyak mitos yang mengatakan, bahwa menggantuk basilisk didepan pintu rumah akan terhindar dari laba-laba.Sering juga di letakan di kuil-kuil untuk menaku-nakuti bagi siapa yang bermaksud tidak baik terhadap kuil tersebut.
Basiliskpun mempunyai kelemahan.Satu-satunya yang kebal terhadap Nafas atau tatapan Basilisk adalah hewan Musang.Dan Basilisk juga takut terhadap suara ayam berkokok.Dan bagi manusia juga bisa membunuh Basilisk dengan cara mengadapkan basilisk terhadap kaca.Konon itu akan membuatnya mati ketakutan karena pandangannya sendiri.Tapi itu sedikit yang berhasil.Mungkin karena sudah terlanjur takut melihat Basilisk itu sendiri.
Dikatakan pula , suara basilisk itu terdengar seperti suara cobra dan terkadang terdengar seperti kalajengking.
Basilisk mempunyai 1400 nama dan hanya terkenal dengan cockatrice atau basilisk
Banyak pendapat mengatakan, bahwa basilisk adalah simbol dari Antikrisus. Dan bagi protestan sebagai simbol kepausan.
basilisk pada gambaran pada umumnya.Memiliki mahkota ayam.Kaki ayam.dan sayap
Pada jaman Basilisk sedang Tren sekitar tahun 1180-an, banyak yang ingin membunuh basilisk.Bukan hanya karena basilisk sangat berbahaya. Tapi karena banyak mitos yang mengatakan, bahwa menggantuk basilisk didepan pintu rumah akan terhindar dari laba-laba.Sering juga di letakan di kuil-kuil untuk menaku-nakuti bagi siapa yang bermaksud tidak baik terhadap kuil tersebut.
Basiliskpun mempunyai kelemahan.Satu-satunya yang kebal terhadap Nafas atau tatapan Basilisk adalah hewan Musang.Dan Basilisk juga takut terhadap suara ayam berkokok.Dan bagi manusia juga bisa membunuh Basilisk dengan cara mengadapkan basilisk terhadap kaca.Konon itu akan membuatnya mati ketakutan karena pandangannya sendiri.Tapi itu sedikit yang berhasil.Mungkin karena sudah terlanjur takut melihat Basilisk itu sendiri.
Dikatakan pula , suara basilisk itu terdengar seperti suara cobra dan terkadang terdengar seperti kalajengking.
Basilisk mempunyai 1400 nama dan hanya terkenal dengan cockatrice atau basilisk
Basilisk as we know it is a snake attacking the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter II, namely: Harry Potter The Chamber of Secret. basilisk created by Voldemort and communicate with Parseltongue language. The language used Harry Potter or anyone who has the talent to speak to snakes.
Basilisk which we will discuss is the snake that was born from eggs laid by a rooster and then hatched by a toad. Basilisk identified as the snake-legged chicken and have a wings and sometimes have a human face.Basilisk is very famous with His breath is poisonous and his eyes that can kill people. Sense the presence and accidentally saw the basilisk will lead to a frozen like statues.
Many opinions say that the basilisk is a symbol of the Antichrist. And for the Protestants as a symbol of the papacy.
Trends in the time of Basilisk is circa 1180s, many wanted to kill the basilisk. Not only because of the basilisk is dangerous.But because many myths which say that the basilisk hangs in front of the door will be spared from the spider. Often also put on the temples to scare for anyone who does not intend either to the temple.Basilisk has a weakness. the only living creatures that are immune to the breath and gaze of the basilisk is a weasel. And Basilisk are also afraid of the sound the rooster crowed.for humans can kill the basilisk with by holding a mirror in front of its eyes . It is said that it would make him die of fright because of his own. But it's a bit of work. Perhaps because it has been afraid of seeing Basilisk itself.
Another source said, the basilisk's voice sounded like cobra and sometimes sounded like a scorpion.
Basilisk has 1400 names and is famous only cockatrice or basilisk
Basilisk which we will discuss is the snake that was born from eggs laid by a rooster and then hatched by a toad. Basilisk identified as the snake-legged chicken and have a wings and sometimes have a human face.Basilisk is very famous with His breath is poisonous and his eyes that can kill people. Sense the presence and accidentally saw the basilisk will lead to a frozen like statues.
Many opinions say that the basilisk is a symbol of the Antichrist. And for the Protestants as a symbol of the papacy.
Trends in the time of Basilisk is circa 1180s, many wanted to kill the basilisk. Not only because of the basilisk is dangerous.But because many myths which say that the basilisk hangs in front of the door will be spared from the spider. Often also put on the temples to scare for anyone who does not intend either to the temple.Basilisk has a weakness. the only living creatures that are immune to the breath and gaze of the basilisk is a weasel. And Basilisk are also afraid of the sound the rooster crowed.for humans can kill the basilisk with by holding a mirror in front of its eyes . It is said that it would make him die of fright because of his own. But it's a bit of work. Perhaps because it has been afraid of seeing Basilisk itself.
Another source said, the basilisk's voice sounded like cobra and sometimes sounded like a scorpion.
Basilisk has 1400 names and is famous only cockatrice or basilisk
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